
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Nemo passed through the towns

Here is an update: we did get a lot of snow and no plow has passed through our street yet to clean. We must have gotten around 2-3feet of snow and of course we lost power for around 18hrs. It was a cold night as I snuggled next to my two kids and my niece in our king size bed. Temperatures dropped fast from 75 Fahrenheit to close to 50. By morning time everyone was sneezing with a runny nose.
Thanks to my wonderful husband who works in the trouble room of National Grid we had power pack by 1pm.
Unfortunately our trampoline broke in this storm and its going to take weeks for all this snow to disappear but hey... we are alive and well, and we got light and heat- thank you God.

Before and after pictures :

Right before the power came back on. The little yellow person in the back is a National Grid guy checking out the poles. He had to walk up the street because they did not plow us out.

After we got power back my daughter was dying to play in the snow. She had a blast.
And here is my backyard after picture. My trampoline could not withstand the snow and wind and gave in. No fun but we'll see if we can fix it in spring somehow. I am just glad the playground is still intact as well as the fence.

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