
Monday, March 11, 2013

Introducing my husband...

My husband is a funny guy, very funny and he just made a video about The truth about TelexFree
We are married for ages now... oh wait it's been really just over 5 years, and we have 2 little kids that are adorable. Lol I am sure you must have heard of them or seen a picture already.

But anyways, in this video he explains a great opportunity to earn extra income and how it is done. He also goes over facts if this company is true and why are they able to pay people a weekly income if they post ads for them.
Before I started working for  TelexFREE I was only a SAHM but now I am a SAHM with money in
my pocket. It is great and so rewarding for us moms and dads of course too.
I love the fact that I get a weekly paycheck just like my hubby in the end of each week but I have the privilege to stay home with my kids and work 1/10th of the time he does and still make as much as him.
Watch his video and subscribe to me or contact me if you want to know more.

Friday, March 1, 2013

TelexFREE gone wild....

Today's live webinar was unbelievable....
I can't believe the number of people that are joining this business.
If you want to know what Americans, Brazilians, Portuguese, Germans... you name them, are after those days, you can listen to the recorded version here:

Dial 712 432 1085 and than
Pin 376560

OMGSH... I am still in Awww...

E-mail me at for questions

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cravings for sweets and more...

Don't we all have these days? cravingsssssss.... I am not even sure what I do want to eat but I know it should be sweet. Yesterday I had to have fresh strawberries with blueberries sprinkled with sugar and later that night i made some sweet pizza.... sweet Pizza?????? YUMMMM I made it by using Brazilian goiabada (Brazilian jam) and cutting it into thin slices and laying it on top of pocket bread. Than i simply put mozzarella cheese over it and baked it until it started bubbling up. Its sooooooo good. If you have a chance to try it, try it, but be aware that you might get addicted to it like me  =)

On that note i might go and make one more....
Photo: Goijaba cheese pizza... I am so addicted #goijaba #cheese #pizza #sweetpizza #brazilian #midnightsnack #addicted #loveit

Oh and before I forget... I did finally make that promised video on how I place my ads for TelexFREE

Please watch it and let me know what you think:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Nemo passed through the towns

Here is an update: we did get a lot of snow and no plow has passed through our street yet to clean. We must have gotten around 2-3feet of snow and of course we lost power for around 18hrs. It was a cold night as I snuggled next to my two kids and my niece in our king size bed. Temperatures dropped fast from 75 Fahrenheit to close to 50. By morning time everyone was sneezing with a runny nose.
Thanks to my wonderful husband who works in the trouble room of National Grid we had power pack by 1pm.
Unfortunately our trampoline broke in this storm and its going to take weeks for all this snow to disappear but hey... we are alive and well, and we got light and heat- thank you God.

Before and after pictures :

Right before the power came back on. The little yellow person in the back is a National Grid guy checking out the poles. He had to walk up the street because they did not plow us out.

After we got power back my daughter was dying to play in the snow. She had a blast.
And here is my backyard after picture. My trampoline could not withstand the snow and wind and gave in. No fun but we'll see if we can fix it in spring somehow. I am just glad the playground is still intact as well as the fence.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Nemo is in town

So this is 11:15am EST and apparently NEMO is just making his way here. Its been snowing since about 9am and the snow has just started sticking to the ground.
Hopefully the wind doesn't get to bad and none of my kids toys fly away.

All I can say is: I am glad I am working from home posting my Ads and I don't have to get out of the house if I don't want to.

Telexfree rocks: This company pays me for each Ad that i post for them. Its awesome. I am building a team to share with everyone how easy it is to make a couple (or a lot) of extra bucks each week.

If you are interested in knowing more check out my site at and join our team at

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Work from home with Telexfree


So here are the results after being part of Telexfree for 3weeks. Like i mentioned in the video I made before, this is a very fast growing company because it has exellent benefits AND this is also a good time to get in. This company just launched here in the US in January. So if you get in right in the beginning your chances to grow a strong team that works together to reach new goals are higher.
What i love the most about this company is:

  • You don't have to have a team to get paid weekly
  • You don't have to sell to get paid weekly
  • But if you do, you will get paid even more
There is no loosing. I love that because most other companies really don't care about your benefits.

Here is a screenshot of how my team did in only 3 weeks.

If you want to know more on how you can earn $1,040 a year ($20 a week) by placing 1 add a day for 7 days a week or $5,200 a year ($100 a week) by placing 5 adds a day for 7 days check out my site at and sign up to join my team at Promotor Fabio

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Check out what I do for living!

USA GROWTH EXPLODING WITH TELEXFREE! Do Not Miss This Webinar. People are Joining Telexfree in Record Numbers!

Join us on Wednesday, February 6, 2013 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST

1. Click here to join:

2. You will be connected to audio using your computer's microphone and speakers (VoIP). A headset is recommended.

Or, you may select Use Telephone after joining the Webinar.
Toll: +1 (914) 339-0033
Access Code: 468-057-107
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the Webinar
Webinar ID: 651-133-488

Feel free to sign up at for more infos

Or join my team at