What is it that you want to achieve today? This week? in the next 5 months? in 2013?...
Write in on a piece of paper, on a note in your phone, on your calendar, record a voice note or even make a video. Don't forget to start with short-term goals and then go toward the bigger once and don't think that any goal is to big.
STEP 2 is look at your goals on a regular bases. The more you involve your mind with your goal, the more you will work toward it unconsciously. No one can work toward a goal that they can't even remember they have. So make sure you read or look at your goal list.
STEP 3 kind of happens on its own if you follow through with step 1-2. This step focuses on how are you going to get where you want to be. Its simple: the more you think about your goal, the more you will be aware of the ways to get there around you. Its like you got your antennas on all the time.
We all have bought a new car at some point right? Did you feel like there were so many of your new car driving around you all of a sudden? Yes! Most of us felt this way because your mind was engaged with the thought of the new car.
Setting your goals and keeping them in your focus works just like it.
Go sit down after watching this inspirational video and take a good look at your goals. And if you haven't made a list yet, go ahead, its never to late to start.
If you are ready for a financial change and want more info please sign up for my newsletter at FlexYourCash
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